Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Capri Sun Pouches

It probably feels like I need all of your trash....but if you drink Capri Sun out of those shiny pouches, I'd love to have you donate your empty pouches to us instead of sending them to the landfill.

As a service project, the 6th grade NJHS will be collecting the drink pouches and turning them into pencil-pouches. We will then be donating the pencil-pouches and other school supplies to an orphanage in Mexico.

We'd appreciate your trash!

But, please, throw the straw away. Yuck!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Our Classroom Needs....

For an upcoming project we are in need of the advertisements from your newspaper, especially "home" stores such as: Best Buy, Home Depot, Target, IKEA, Sears, etc.

We also need donations of 3x5 index cards. Thank you to those who have already donated! If we get an average of 1 package per student we will be in good shape!

Thank you for helping with these needs when you are able.

I will happily trade some Q4 tickets for these items!