Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Hello Families!

This post is about upcoming Parent-Teacher Conferences. But first, an update on the sale of Entertainment Books:

  • Our class is doing awesome! We have sold 8 books already and I know others are being sold too!
  • Each book is $30 (I had originally thought they were $35; I apologize for any confusion) and checks get made out to: Vail Education Foundation.
Okay, Parent-Teacher Conferences:

  • Students were given a sign-up sheet today. They are due back no later than Tuesday, September 7th (for PRIDE check) but we will certainly take them early as conferences are scheduled on a first-come basis.
  • We have set-aside 2 days for conferences (Thursday/Friday September 16 and 17). There will be a half-day (noon dismissal) for students on those 2 days/
  • Next week you will receive written notice of the exact date and time of your conference.
  • Conferences are scheduled for 15 minutes each. During that 15 minutes you will meet with me and Mrs. Bloker (separately, as the other will likely be meeting with another family).
  • The specialist teachers will be available for conferences on a walk-in basis.
  • Report cards and Benchmark Data will be handed out.
  • Students are welcome (and, in fact, encouraged) to attend their conference and hear what we have to discuss.
If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanks for reading:)

Leave a comment for your child to get a ticket!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Entertainment Books!

Yep! It is that time of year again! Time to sell those Entertainment Books to support our PTA!

This is a really important fundraiser for our school, especially in these times of lower budgets for classroom use.

In addition to that....I AM REALLY COMPETITIVE!

Throughout the year RVMS will have competitions between advisories and grade levels for participation in certain things. The sale of Entertainment Books is a competition between all advisories and....I want to win!

Please think of who you know that may be interested in purchasing a 2011 Entertainment Book and ask them early! I use mine extensively....in past years I have saved $20 at Safeway, on oil changes all over, and lots of eateries.

Entertainment books will be sent home on Friday (August 27th).

  • If you are unable to sell the one that comes home, simply return it with your child.

  • If you sell (or buy) it simply send the money in with your child.

  • If you want to sell more than 1 please just let me know how many you would like and I will make sure they get to you.
A little incentive...

  • For every book your child sells, he or she will receive 5 red tickets.
  • The winning class will receive a smoothie party!
  • If our class wins, I will reward them with additional recess time.
  • The student (school wide) who sells the most will receive a $25 Barnes & Nobel giftcard!
Happy Selling:)

PS - As an added incentive, if you leave a comment on this post (by clicking comment) I will give your child 2 red tickets:)

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Open House and Picture Day

Open House is TONIGHT (August 12th) from 6-8. It will start in the gym, then you will have the chance to be escorted around to your child's classrooms. Students can earn an "I Care Pass" for completing the Open House Check-list while here.

Picture Day is Friday, August 20th! Envelopes went home today and need to be returned with the money prior to the 20th, if you want to purchase the pictures.

Hope to see you tonight!